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 Rev. Sheila Sholes-Ross was ordained through American Baptist Churches and called as the 30th pastor of First Baptist Church of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, November 2013; historic as the church's first African-American female pastor.

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Pastor's Touch


I am loving this title, “Pastor’s Touch,” and I am looking forward to coming to you periodically to offer a word that has been placed on my heart.


So, first, welcome to First Baptist Church of Pittsfield’s Pastor’s Touch.


Today, I want to bring focus on the Gospel According to Matthew Scripture that states that we, as Jesus’ people, “Are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how can saltiness be restored?” (Matthew 5:13 NRSV). 


If you need restoration, and your “saltiness” has been lost, that being a “saltiness” that enables you to be your best self, I promise that the Holy One is able to provide restoration. How? Just come to First Baptist to become engulfed in a community that is, “In touched with God and Involved in Life.” All will be restored through the Love of Christ and His people during worship.


Finally, I am looking forward to seeing you, soon!

Peace, Love, And On-Going Blessings,




The Reverend Sheila D. Sholes-Ross  

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