First Baptist Church
of Pittsfield
A Historic, Downtown Church with a Surprising Christian Imagination for the Good of our City

The First Baptist Church of Pittsfield, MA proclaims the Good News of Jesus Christ through word and action as a caring community where all are welcome, living in God’s service and fostering spiritual growth and fellowship.
Church Covenant
Here in the presence of God and of each other we profess our faith in God as our Father, in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord, and in the Holy Spirit as our Comforter and Guide.
We believe that in the Bible are the truths of God which make inescapable demands upon our lives.
We hold to the right of each member to interpret the Bible and to apply its principles to the conducts of life.
We believe it is our duty:
To pray daily;
To read the scriptures diligently, and to teach them faithfully to our children;
To observe the ordinance of the Lord’s Supper;
To walk together as Christians comforting and aiding one another;
To seek, by example and word, to lead others to Christ;
To help send the gospel to the whole human family; and
To sustain the work and worship of Christ’s Church, recognizing that our time, talents, and resources are trusts from God.
We resolve to give ourselves to God’s service and therefore we will endeavor to grow in Christ-likeness, remembering that as we were buried in baptism we are risen to a new and holy life.